Hi, I'm Shanivi! It's nice to meet you!

I Value Empathy and Inclusion in Design

I have studied Computer Science and HCI

I create content about UX & Study Abroad on Linkedin

I am an International Student in the US from India

Currently Palo Alto, California is home for me

I enjoy learning about Geopolitics and Spirituality

I totally believe that a boba a day, keeps the doctor away

I've love exploring: One time, I went scuba diving

I value empathy and inclusion in design

Shanivi's photo

My UX Journey

Image signifying scroll down
Shanivi starting her undergrad
July 2017
Kicked off my engineering adventure πŸ’»

My journey into the field of computer science began with great excitement and enthusiasm when I started my engineering studies at Manipal Institute of Technology.

MAY 2019
Pyramids & UX, what a combo! πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¬

I came to UX design through an international internship with Devolum, based in Egypt.

What was supposed to be a web development internship turned into a happy UX encounter.

Soon after this, I realized UX is the career path I want to tread on as it enables me to build products that are useful, usable, equitable and generate positive emotions through interactions.

Shanivi in front of the great pyramids
graphic showing books and phone
MAY 2020
Hunt for UX schools begins πŸ›οΈ

Amid the pandemic, I had ample time for research and my contemplation led me to a clear choice: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) emerged as the perfect path for my academic journey.

JAN 2021
Honeywell called, and I answered πŸ“ž

During my final semester at Manipal, I was lucky enough to land an internship at Honeywell, where I had the unique opportunity to work at the exciting crossroads of UX and IT operations.

Honeywell Logo
Shanivi in front of Golden gate bridge
Graduated and jet-set to the US for Masters! πŸŽ“πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

After successfully completing my undergraduate degree, I embarked on an incredible journey across the world to pursue Masters in Human Factors / Ergonomics at San Jose State University.

may 2022
Adding Value to Real Estate at Radian 🏒

Again, I had the wonderful opportunity to secure an internship in the dynamic fintech sector at Radian, where my role involved crafting the end-to-end user experience for Titlegenius.

Radian logo
Welldoc Logo
MARCH 2023
Transforming Healthcare with Welldoc 🩺

Currently, I'm interning at Welldoc, focusing on designing behavior-changing experiences aimed at empowering patients across multiple platforms.

And Now......

I am looking for a full-time UX Design role starting January 2024!

Well, as you can see, some companies have dared to place their trust in me, and guess what? I've somehow managed not to unleash chaos upon their precious systems.

So, clearly, I am very dependable! Feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more about me! :)

Shanivi is open for work

My 'DESIGN' Process Practice

I believe that each project has unique requirements, and there isn't a one-size-fits-all design process.

However, I strive to integrate the following design practices in my work to ensure that the design aligns with user and business needs alike.

Delve deep to understand and articulate the problem

By diving deep, I always try to identify the root cause of the issue and ensure that I'm not just addressing what's visible, but also underlying. Once that is clear, articulating the problems become easy and subsequent communication is cohesive.

Engage meaningfully with stakeholders

Through each meaningful engagement with stakeholders, I have learned to consider all perspectives. This has helped me foster trust, collaboration and I have seen myself make more informed decisions.

Solve problems using data and evidence based principles

I prefer not to make assumptions and identify as a data-informed designer. I firmly believe that data and design principles provide the most robust foundation for design recommendations.

Intension and purpose

I try to align my work with the right values and a greater purpose to maintain focus and motivation. This leads to more meaningful designs, that have a positive impact on the world.

Gather feedback, improve and repeat

Over time, I've learned that embracing feedback signifies true maturity and is a great chance to learn and grow. Learning from failures, I've become a resilient designer, focussed on crafting user-friendly solutions.

Never stop innovating

I'm grateful to mentors that motivated me to think outside the box. Innovative thinking has enhanced my work's impact and now, I often find myself researching creative problem solving techniques. To me, design is more than just aesthetics; it is the greater impact and meaningfulness that it holds.